In the video below I demonstrate:

  • How to get simple but powerful videos testimonials from your families and residents that you can use on your website
  • How to use simple thank you videos to help convert people into new clients after they have been shown around the home
  • How your residents can quickly and easily record videos and send them to their families, plus how to use this to get your home some positive publicity from the local newspapers

And don’t worry you can make all these private videos if you wish. Then they can only be viewed on You Tube if you have the direct link to the video.

Check it out now and see.

It’s truly amazing what you can do with a simple webcam and You Tube these days. Did you know that you can make videos using your webcam and have them record straight to You Tube?

In the video above I demonstrate exactly how to do this so if you want to know the ‘how to’ go and watch the video now.

Here’s what you’ll need

In the video above I demonstrate exactly how to do this so if you want to know the ‘how to’ go and watch the video now.

To do this you will need a webcam and a You Tube account. Any webcam will do, including the one in your laptop or tablet.

If you want to buy one the very best is the Logitech C920 available from Amazon for about £48. It does full HD 1080p HD recording and has a 6 foot lead so you can put it away from the computer in just the right position if you need to.

Click on the image to check it out on Amazon.

If you don’t have a You Tube account, but have a gmail account just login to you tube with this and you’ll automatically have a channel (look for it in the drop down menu on the right).

If you have neither a gmail account or a You Tube account (honestly what have you been doing with your life:-) I suggest you open a gmail account as this opens up a whole lot of Google goodies for you.

If you just want to know the why, here are three very good reasons.

Video testimonials

You only need to look at the success of Amazon Reviews and Ebay’s Star Rating System to see how much we now rely and trust the judgement of people who have already walked a mile in the shoes we intend to put on.

Similarly testimonials on your website are fantastic independent proof of how good your care home is and how satisfied your residents and families are with the service you provide.

The trouble is written testimonials can easily be made up so they are not entirely trusted by many. A video testimonial can’t be faked though and so they are extremely powerful.

However, the problem has been the messing about required to make them. Who has time to mess about setting up cameras, recording videos, editing them and then somehow adding them to your website?

Well now it’s super easy. Use a webcam and you can record directly to You Tube. The video is then ready for you show people. All they need is the link to it on You Tube. It’s a lot easier to add that link to your website and you can use on other places. How about including it in a link to your social services contacts to let them know what a good job you’re doing?

Speaking of Social Services here’s video tip number 2

Video thank you's

It doesn’t have to be families or residents that record videos – you can too! And you can email them directly from You Tube to whoever you want (check out the video to see how).

So, how about recording a very short thank you video when a prospective new resident has come to look around the home? Imagine their surprise when they get a personalised email from you thanking them for visiting.

It’s bound to set you apart from your competition and cement your reputation with them. And just image how much easier that follow up phone call will be when they’ve received a personalized thank you email from you?

It doesn’t have to be just prospective new residents you send this to. How about sending thank you videos to your social services contacts, the doctor when they do a special visit, the news paper reporter when they publish a story about you, a supplier who has given you great service.

The possibilities are endless and everyone really appreciates being thanked.

Residents having fun with video & getting in the papers

This is where it gets really fun!

It’s so easy to record these videos and send them out directly from You Tube that, with your guidance, the residents can easily record & send video messages to their families, relative and friends.

This will be great fun for some of them and for others they won’t go within 10 feet of a camera. But, it doesn’t matter. For those who are keen it will be great fun for them and their families and it’s a great activity to add to the list that you already provide.

Why not get some free publicity?

In fact why not go the whole hog and use this as a great opportunity to gather some great publicity for your home. Take some snap shots of your ‘Silver Surfers’ having fun recording the videos and send them along with a few details to your local paper.

You’re almost certain to get some coverage which is great publicity and will enhance the local reputation of your home. Plus, if you keep a copy from the paper you can show visitors when they come to look around the home and include a photocopy with the information package you give them as they leave.

I hope you’ve found this post inspirational and it’s triggered some ideas for how you can use these quick and easy videos in your care home. If so, let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear what you think.

Simon Beck

Simon Beck

Simon Beck is the founder of Care home Marketing Expert and author of 'Full Beds Forever - How To Market Your Care Home in 3 Simple Steps'. He is also a regular guest speaker at many of the care industry shows such as Naidex, The Care Show & Health+Care.

by admin

April 20, 2022